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Flagship projects


Support for the economic and ecological development of rural areas in Côte d'Ivoire

AfriqueCote D'Ivoire


Against a backdrop of strong demographic growth and a large number of young people entering the job market every year, the challenges facing rural Côte d'Ivoire crystallize around sustainable economic growth, job creation and social cohesion. Supporting the sustainable development of rural areas is a response to these challenges. More specifically, the ECOTER project aims to "improve the living conditions of populations in a peaceful social climate for the benefit of 8 Regions of Côte d'Ivoire: Bafing, Béré, Bounkani, Cavally, Gontougo, Guémon, Tonkpi and Worodougou. The Groupement BRLi-BRLiCI-GOPA is providing project management assistance to the Comité de Suivi et de Pilotage (CSP) supported by the Ivorian Ministry of the Interior and Security (MIS).

Gestion durable des ressources naturelles
Appui au développement économique durable
Coordination, gestion et suivi-évaluation
Gouvernance territoriale inclusive et dialogue politique

& Services

The project aims to contribute to :

  • strengthening inclusive territorial governance and political dialogue in the regions, through concerted territorial development planning and the gradual empowerment of regional councils
  • the effective implementation of the powers of regional authorities
  • stabilizing peace and social cohesion between regional populations
  • economic development and the preservation of sustainable natural resources in the Regions, through the implementation of productive investments in line with the challenges of climate change.

A Head of Mission coordinates and manages all the technical activities of the AMO teams (14 experts in land tenure, natural resource management, agro-economics, project planning, contracting, rural engineering, social and environmental issues, and monitoring and evaluation). Administrative and support staff complete the technical set-up.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDD) of the United Nations

16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions10 - Reduced unequalities17 - Partnerships for the goals
Flagship projects


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